8 (977) 953-94-28

Отзывы на сторонних ресурсах:

Plantronics Bac...
вс, 06.02.2022 - 12:29

I have had the VA leather pads for my Plantronics Backbeat Pro for nearly four years now and they look as good as on the first day. - with pretty much daily use. I think they will easily survive the headphones.

вт, 19.10.2021 - 21:41

Amazing experience. 1 of a kind balanced headphone cable for my Klipsch x20i's.

чт, 10.06.2021 - 12:15 // Источник
A friend of mine just posted his measurements of the Koss ESP-950 Vesper Pads:
I think they're pretty good results.
Мартин Подледовски
сб, 17.04.2021 - 16:40

Амбушюры вышка. Очень благодарен, вернусь снова когда эти отживут свое.

пн, 01.02.2021 - 14:47

Заказывал амбушюры для Audeze Sine Dx. Обычные, без доп. плюшек. Но всё равно качество отменное и по удобству в разы превосходит сток. Это факт. Ждал их чуть больше месяца.

ср, 06.01.2021 - 12:25 // Источник

 Hi VA:
Review is up:
kind regards,



пн, 06.07.2020 - 21:26

Vesper Audio modified 2 pairs of Hifiman iems for me - one RE400 and one RE600. All process went smooth and the units work flawlessly.

пт, 06.12.2019 - 17:17

Заказывал амбшуры для LCD-2. Отличное качество, ощутимо лучше чем оригинал. Также решил поменять и оголовье. Сделали в срок, наушники уже больше года с новыми амбшурами и оголовьем.

сб, 17.08.2019 - 14:07

I've created a thread detailing my B&W P9 mod using Vesper ear pads: https://www.head-fi.org/threads/bowers-wilkins-p9-ultimate-ear-pad-mod.913110/

ср, 05.06.2019 - 13:29

I own a pair of Final Pandora Hope IV. I really love them- except for the pads, which are made of some leather-like material (hot) and too thin (diaphragms touching my ears). I was quite skeptical about anybody providing me with replacement pads, since Hope VI is a rather esoteric headphone model, but contacted Vesper to give it a try (never contacted them before, they just came up on a google search). And what do you know- apparently no headphone model is too esoteric for these guys.
I've recently received the pads I've ordered- thick (27mm), alcantara, memory foam pads. The quality is excellent, and the pads fitted perfectly to the headphones, no less than the originals.
Also, Vesper's representative was responsive and helpful all the way. In short - highly recommended!
